May 2, 2018
Introducing OpenFin Layouts

We’re excited to announce native capabilities in OpenFin OS to let you snap-and-dock windows and easily manage your desktop workspace. With OpenFin Layouts, what used to be complex is now incredibly simple. We’ve done the hard parts for you. The new Layouts functionality comes default with the latest version of OpenFin OS and it’s completely open source.
Join our Webinar on Wednesday, May 9 at 11a NY / 4p UK for a demo of OpenFin Layouts and Q&A.
For those of you who cannot access Zoom for the webinar please email us at for Webex details.
OpenFin Layouts includes all the features to create a seamless end-user experience:
- Auto-detect when windows are within the snap region
- Visually indicate if windows can be snapped or not
- Auto-pad the windows for a consistent layout
Cross App
Layouts works across windows from multiple OpenFin apps. This includes snapping-and-docking windows from 3rd party apps to windows from internal apps. No coding required.
Open Source
All of the code for OpenFin Layouts is open source as part of our Hadouken project. This means you can see how it works under the covers and contribute to it directly.
You can find the open source here:
Coming Soon
- Save layouts and restore on restart
- Snap-and-dock windows from apps running in different OpenFin versions
- Snap-and-dock window groups to other window groups
- Resize windows within a group
- Z-index management of windows
- Window tabbing layouts
- Auto-detect and manage switching between multi-monitor configurations
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