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February 13, 2024

Exploring Our v35 Container Updates

We recently introduced v35 of OpenFin Container. Being co-stable with Chrome means that OpenFin now delivers the enterprise security and architecture needed by our customers.

OpenFin What's New v35 Container Updates


By Chuck Doerr, CIO and Co-Founder

At OpenFin, we're committed to helping teams work smarter, faster, and more effectively. To fulfill our mission of enabling frictionless, productive workflows anywhere, we recently introduced v35 of Container. This version includes new OpenFin features and all the latest critical security patches, bug fixes, and features from Chromium. Let's unpack a few of the key updates:

Securing Third-Party Content

We've addressed a key security challenge in OpenFin by creating a more controlled environment for including third-party content. We're introducing an


option that restricts access to sensitive system functions, ensuring safer browsing in OpenFin.

Enable "Pop-In" Feature for Layouts

Managing views in window layouts can be tricky — sometimes we want to keep them, other times we need to create new ones. Now, with the updated 'Layout.create()' tool, users have more control. You can choose how views behave: whether to move them between windows, duplicate them, or let the system handle things automatically. This means fewer mistakes, smoother layout setups, and an easier time customizing your window setups.

New Benefits in Chromium

OpenFin Container 35 contains features, enhancements and fixes that landed in Chromium 119 and 120 — and is released co-stable with 120.

Staying current with Chromium goes beyond consuming these critical security updates. We also get all the new features and enhancements of the web platform. Here I will highlight 3 of them:

  • Cookies Expiration Date: Chrome now limits how long website cookies can stay active to a maximum of 400 days, starting from version 104. This enhances user privacy and security by reducing the time websites can track online activity. Existing cookies will be affected, but users won't notice until at least 400 days after Chrome version 119 is released.
  • Exponential Functions: This update in CSS allows designers to use functions like pow(), sqrt(), hypot(), log(), and exp() directly in their stylesheet. This brings more flexibility to web design, enabling precise calculations for layout and visual elements on websites.
  • Login Status: The Login Status API lets websites know when users log in or out, improving security. It was first used in FedCM to prevent cyber attacks and operate without third-party cookies. This enhances security measures and benefits other online activities beyond just logging in.

Have questions on any of the new capabilities introduced in Container v35? For more details, head over to our versions page for the release notes, or reach out to to set up a demo.

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